Senior Year
There are so many traditions for seniors as they make that last year's journey through high school. Here are a few things seniors enjoy in Hamlin, but this list is not complete.
1. Senior Night: Fall sports and Band walk the field for senior night at one of the last home football games, and Spring sports have senior night at one of the last home games for each respective sport. They are invited to bring their families onto the field as they walk and pose for a picture. The announcer usually has a list with each student's name and some of his/her accomplishments.
2. Senior Walk: on one of the last days of school, seniors head to the elementary in their cap and gowns to walk through the elementary halls to the cheers of elementary students. If there is a graduating class of kindergarteners, they will join the seniors for the walk.
3. Senior Decision Day: Senior students and their parents work together to decorate a table to share what decision they have made about after high school. Decorate your table with your future plans, and be ready to share your plans with the students age 11-18 who will be attending. This is a beautiful day to bring parents to the school for one final project, get our younger students thinking about their future, and celebrate what seniors have decided! This day is usually celebrated in May. Details will be communicated through ParentSquare, but if you haven't heard anything by April 15th, please email
4. Baccalaureate: the local Baptist church hosts this ceremony for all Hamlin seniors, and individual churches will also hold ceremonies for their seniors.
5. Senior Sponsor: each class has a teacher designated as sponsor of the class events of the year. Please reach out to your class sponsor through ParentSquare if you have any questions. If there is a senior subject that needs more communication, please reach out to the to let us know how we can improve our communication efforts.
6. Project Graduation: after graduation, seniors are invited to head back to the high school for a late-night, end of year party on campus!
7. Graduation: Graduation is held in the main gym located behind the high school campus, Piper Court. Seniors will do a walk-through the day before or morning of ceremony.