The NHS uses its four pillars—scholarship, service, leadership, and character—as a lens to view candidates for membership, selecting students in grades 10 through 12 who closely align with their values.
Scholarship: The NHS’s national standard is that students must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or an 85, B, or other academic equivalents of excellence).
Service: A student’s community and civic involvement is judged by the volunteer contributions they’ve made to their school or community without compensation. For example, working at the local food bank or volunteering to tutor fellow students.
Leadership: The National Honor Society looks for leaders who are “resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors.” Students can demonstrate their leadership skills by highlighting roles like team captain or student body treasurer, or experiences such as organizing a clothing drive.
Character: Students are expected to possess a high character and prove they’re a responsible member of the community. They’ll need to have a clean disciplinary record and demonstrate honesty, courtesy, concern, and respect for others.